Workplace Asbestos Exposure and Railroad Negligence

Mesothelioma is a rare type of asbestos-induced cancer that develops on the linings of various organs, most often in the “pleura,” which is the lining around the lungs. About 3,000 new cases are diagnosed every year, while about 2,500 people die in mesothelioma-related deaths each year. Railroad workers suffer higher rates of mesothelioma because they were exposed to asbestos in insulation, brakes, […]

Mesothelioma Cancers and Asbestos Exposure

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, a Virginia Beach mesothelioma/asbestos lawyer can evaluate your case to determine what type of financial compensation you may be entitled to and who the liable parties may be. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, we understand how overwhelming and devastating this diagnosis can be and will work diligently to get you the financial compensation […]

What Does FELA Cover?

The Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) is a crucial federal law enacted in 1908 in the United States. FELA serves as a vital legal framework that protects the rights and interests of railroad workers, providing them with compensation and legal recourse in cases of injury or illness resulting from their work. This act was a significant milestone in workers’ rights, […]

Railroad Workers High Risk of Mesothelioma from Asbestos Exposure

Mesothelioma is an asbestos-related cancer that usually affects the protective lining of the lungs or abdomen. Inhaling or swallowing airborne asbestos is the number one cause of mesothelioma over a long period of time. People who have been diagnosed with this form of cancer should contact an experienced Virginia railroad injury attorney to explore what legal options they may have. […]

Do I Have to See the Company Doctor for My Railroad Injury?

When you are injured during your employment as a railroad worker, the first thing you need to do is see a doctor. Since many workers are unfamiliar with the distinctions between workers’ comp and the Federal Employers’ Liability Act they assume that, like workers’ compensation, you can only visit a doctor who has been approved by the rail company. This […]

What Hazardous Chemical Solvents Are Railroad Workers Commonly Exposed To?

Railroads are hazardous working environments. Every day, employees are in danger of being seriously injured by derailments, being struck by trains, using poorly maintained equipment, and slip-and-falls. Those who are employed by major railway companies like Union Pacific, CSX, or Norfolk Southern are also routinely exposed to toxic chemicals and substances that can cause permanent damage to their health and […]