Due to the inherently dangerous nature of railroad work, railway employees face numerous hazards on a regular basis. It is important to recognize that not every injury is the result of occupational hazards. In a lot of cases, if your employer acted negligently, you are probably entitled to collect financial compensation. If you sustained an injury during the course and […]
Negligence Standards and Your FELA Claim
Am I Required to Provide a Statement After a Railway Injury?
If you sustain an injury as a railroad worker on the job, it can cause serious problems, even if they come under the scope of the Federal Employers’ Liability Act. Regrettably, a single mistake in what you say could be all it takes for you to receive minimal financial compensation. Before you say or sign anything, you should wait until […]
Suing Amtrak for Wrongful Deaths and Injuries
Lawsuits involving Amtrak are some of the most complicated in the field of personal injury. This is, in large part, due to their enormous size, with many train accidents occurring at more than 100 miles per hour. Similar to commercial trucking accidents, there are usually multiple parties who could be or share in liability. To make matters even more complicated, […]
What Are the Three Most Common Types of Train Accidents?
In terms of the severity of injuries, victim losses, and other damages, train accidents are rarely trivial incidents. When so much is at stake, you need a railroad accident attorney who will make sure that you receive full and fair financial compensation following a Virginia railway accident. What type of train accident occurs most often? Not only are train accidents […]
Solvents, Leukemia, and Railway Shop Workers
Solvents are widely used on railways. Workers use solvents to break up the grease and grime that accumulate on railcars and locomotives. Most of the more commonly-used railway solvents are petroleum-based, meaning they contain benzene. Due to their repeated and prolonged exposure to petroleum solvents, a lot of car department workers, locomotive shop employees, and engineering and track department employees […]
Far-Reaching Consequences of Train Derailments
On February 3rd of this year, a 38-car Norfolk Southern freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. Several railcars burned for more than two days, with emergency crews then conducting a controlled burn of several railcars. The fumes caused the release of hydrogen chloride and phosgene into the air, forcing the evacuation of thousands of residents who […]
Railway Yards and Job Site Injuries
Although worker safety measures within the railway industry have greatly improved over the past twenty years, the process of switching in railyards, an operation that includes breaking apart and putting together trains, and organizing and storing cars, is still a leading cause of injuries to railway workers. What makes railyards so dangerous for workers? In fact, research performed by the […]
Your Spouse was Injured on the Railroad – Overview of What To Do
For both railroad employees and their spouses, it is extremely important to have a general understanding of what is involved if the railroad worker suffers an injury while on the job. If a worker is seriously injured on the railroad, many responsibilities may fall on the spouse. For example, the spouse of the injured worker may suddenly be forced to […]
Recent Deaths Underscore the Importance of Pre-Departure Railroad Inspections
Pre-departure inspections are an important part of ensuring the safety of railway transportation workers. During a pre-departure inspection, railway workers make sure that trains and other equipment are in good condition and in proper working order before they pull out of the yard or station, which helps to prevent serious accidents and injuries while the train is in motion. What […]
The Link Between Hexavalent Chromium and Cancer in Railroad Workers
Railway workers are routinely required to weld locomotives, box cars, and other various other equipment. Welding is the method used to join two or more objects, typically metals, together. In order to accomplish this, the welder will use a blowtorch to bring the materials to their melting point and then fuse them together. Welding also releases fumes that contain dangerous […]