What To Do If You Are Diagnosed with Mesothelioma in Virginia

Many former railroad workers – including conductors, engineers, switchmen, track maintenance workers and more – are diagnosed with serious cancers after their working days are over. These include mesothelioma, lung cancer, bladder cancer, brain cancer and colon cancer. We talk to many families loved who wonder, was the cancer caused by being around equipment that had asbestos in it? Many […]

Train Conductor Sues Railroad for Personal Injuries

A railroad conductor in Harrisburg PA has sued Delaware and Hudson Railway Company for what he claims are repetitive stress injuries that are allegedly due to his employer’s negligence and failure to provide a safe work environment. The complaint alleges that the former conductor suffered repetitive trauma to his arms and legs by working in an environment that included large […]

DC Metro’s ‘SafeTrack’ Plan Being Delayed

DC Metro officials this week confirmed that the final draft of their ‘SafeTrack’ repair plan is going to be delayed as metro officials continue to work with the Federal Transit Administration to meet safety guidelines. Metro General Manager Paul Wiedefeld announced initial draft of the huge repair plan on May 6, and promised the final draft yesterday. A track explosion […]

Death at Railroad Crossing Highlights Danger with Maintenance of Way Vehicles

A deadly railroad crossing accident in Gilroy CA last year involving a Union Pacific maintenance vehicle has raised serious safety questions about these type of vehicles traveling through crossings and whether they always trigger crossing gates and lights. The man who died, Don Williams, 55, was driving through the railroad crossing in Gilroy at Masten Avenue when his truck was […]

Train Conductor Sues Union Pacific for Injuries on Job

Union Pacific Railroad is being sued after one of its employees was allegedly thrown from a rail car in Cheyenne WY. The plaintiff filed his lawsuit on April 8 in Laramie County District Court in Wyoming. The complaint stated that he was working as a conductor on Oct. 30, 2014 when he was thrown from the car and suffered a […]