Which Railroad Jobs Are the Most Dangerous?

Anyone can sustain a railway injury at any time. Whether you work as a track worker, a trainman, a clerk, or a shop worker, railroads are dangerous places and injuries are not an uncommon occurrence. When a worker in just about any other industry is hurt, their state workers’ compensation program covers their medical bills and a portion of their […]

Are Railroads Required to Obey OSHA?

In specific situations, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has jurisdiction over health and safety issues in railroad workplaces. Starting in 1978, the Federal Railroad Administration has acknowledged that OSHA’s proficiency in job site safety pertains to the railway industry.  What government agency is in charge of railroad safety requirements? The Virginia railroad injury lawyers at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp […]

Negligence Standards and Your FELA Claim

Due to the inherently dangerous nature of railroad work, railway employees face numerous hazards on a regular basis. It is important to recognize that not every injury is the result of occupational hazards. In a lot of cases, if your employer acted negligently, you are probably entitled to collect financial compensation. If you sustained an injury during the course and […]

Suing Amtrak for Wrongful Deaths and Injuries

Lawsuits involving Amtrak are some of the most complicated in the field of personal injury. This is, in large part, due to their enormous size, with many train accidents occurring at more than 100 miles per hour. Similar to commercial trucking accidents, there are usually multiple parties who could be or share in liability. To make matters even more complicated, […]

What Are the Three Most Common Types of Train Accidents?

In terms of the severity of injuries, victim losses, and other damages, train accidents are rarely trivial incidents. When so much is at stake, you need a railroad accident attorney who will make sure that you receive full and fair financial compensation following a Virginia railway accident. What type of train accident occurs most often? Not only are train accidents […]

Solvents, Leukemia, and Railway Shop Workers

Solvents are widely used on railways. Workers use solvents to break up the grease and grime that accumulate on railcars and locomotives. Most of the more commonly-used railway solvents are petroleum-based, meaning they contain benzene. Due to their repeated and prolonged exposure to petroleum solvents, a lot of car department workers, locomotive shop employees, and engineering and track department employees […]