What Are the Most Common Railroad Worker Injuries?

Working around locomotives, near railroad tracks, or in a railyard is a fundamentally hazardous job. Railcars and train engines roll along tracks on steel wheels and are incredibly clumsy and heavy. On a daily basis, railway workers are exposed to multiple dangers, some of which could potentially cause severe and even fatal injuries. If you were injured while you were […]

Is the Railroad Staffing Shortage Affecting Worker Safety?

All across the United States, staffing shortages are crippling major industries. The problem is especially critical on the railroads where indications of a strike nearly shut down services and paralyzed the economy. These worker shortages are not good for safety or for business on railroads where current conditions already have employees stretched to their breaking point.   In September, a standoff […]

Do I Need a Virginia FELA Lawyer?

Railroad workers face dangers on a daily basis that can cause severe injuries or due because of long-term exposure. When a worker has been injured or diagnosed with a railroad-related disease, it is critical to contact a Virginia railroad attorney to find out what the best legal options they have are. Once a case is filed, the injured railroad worker […]

FELA Lawsuit Depositions

If you are a railroad worker who suffered a work-related injury or developed an illness like mesothelioma from exposures to asbestos or other dangerous substances on the job, you have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses and other damages you have suffered because of your employers’ failure to protect your health and safety. This right was granted to […]

Misdiagnosing Asbestosis as Chronic Heart Failure

Our Virginia personal injury law firm has written extensively about the extensive asbestos exposure railroad workers had for decades until the use of asbestos was replaced by other insulation materials. Asbestos was used in brakes, boilers, gaskets, pipes, and other materials and equipment, exposing workers to asbestos fibers on a daily basis. Although asbestos is no longer being used, the […]

How Often Is Asbestosis Misdiagnosed as Chronic Bronchitis?

It has been well documented – and proven in courtroom after courtroom – that breathing in asbestos fibers leads to the development of asbestosis. Asbestosis is long-term inflammation and scarring of the lungs that is caused by breathing in asbestos fibers. Prolonged exposure to these fibers can cause lung tissue scarring, shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and chest tightness. Complications […]

FELA and Asbestos Disease Claims

The Federal Employer’s Act (FELA) was enacted by Congress in 1908 to protect and compensate railroad workers injured on the job when the railroad is at least partially negligent in causing the worker’s injuries. FELA is not a workers’ compensation act but is instead fault-based. The injured employee must prove their injury was caused completely or partly by the negligence […]