Railway Yards and Job Site Injuries

Although worker safety measures within the railway industry have greatly improved over the past twenty years, the process of switching in railyards, an operation that includes breaking apart and putting together trains, and organizing and storing cars, is still a leading cause of injuries to railway workers.   What makes railyards so dangerous for workers? In fact, research performed by the […]

FELA Basics For Injured Railway Workers

After being declared unconstitutional in 1906, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act was passed again in 1908. Since then, the FELA Act has persevered in the face of constitutionality tests while providing a federal system of economic recovery for railway workers who are killed or injured on the job. What kind of injuries qualify me for a FELA claim? Railway work […]

FELA Attorney Responds to FAQs

The Federal Employers Liability Act was passed by Congress in 1908 due to the important function that the railroad industry played in the growth of interstate commerce. Most people are at least marginally aware of the essential role that railroads played in the evolution of the United States. They paved the way for the settlement and development of the Wild […]

What Are the Most Common Railroad Worker Injuries?

Working around locomotives, near railroad tracks, or in a railyard is a fundamentally hazardous job. Railcars and train engines roll along tracks on steel wheels and are incredibly clumsy and heavy. On a daily basis, railway workers are exposed to multiple dangers, some of which could potentially cause severe and even fatal injuries. If you were injured while you were […]

What Makes Working on the Railroad So Dangerous?

Railroad workers probably face the harshest and most hazardous working conditions in the country. They often have to stand in exhausting positions and work under extreme temperatures. They also have to use dangerous machines and materials besides these difficulties. All of this creates a high-risk working environment. Additionally, there are long-term health risks associated with the potential exposure to toxic […]