Asbestos Exposure, Mesothelioma, and Railroad Workers

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber that was widely used in wide range of products until the 1970s when it was discovered to be extremely hazardous to human health. Long-term exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer that affects the protective lining of the […]

Commuter Train Derailments: Common Causes and Injuries

In metropolitan areas like Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC, public transportation provides an invaluable service. Although convenient, commuter trains can present multiple hazards that most passengers probably don’t even think about. Operators and owners of commuter trains have a duty of care to provide safe passage for those who use them. If injuries or deaths occur in a train derailment […]

Leading Causes of Train Vs Vehicle Collisions in Virginia

While far from the most common kind of motor vehicle accident in Virginia, a collision involving a train and an automobile is usually catastrophic. Victims frequently suffer devastating injuries, such as paralysis, traumatic brain injury, internal organ damage, and traumatic amputation when a locomotive crashes into their vehicle. If this happened to you, you could be entitled to financial compensation […]

The Hidden Hazards of Toxic Exposure on Railway Workers

Ever since the 1930s, prominent railway companies throughout the United States have, from time to time, come under scrutiny for toxic hazards commonly encountered around and in storage facilities, rail storage, rail yards, and other buildings that are used by most major railroads.  Unfortunately, railroad workers are not always aware of the diseases and toxic dangers they are exposed to […]

Railway Workers and Parkinson’s Disease

Railway workers are at a considerably greater risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. The reason for this is that, historically, they have endured frequent exposure to chemicals that are known to cause Parkinson’s disease, such as welding fumes, chlorinated solvents, and herbicides. Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease does not typically happen until several years after workers have been exposed.  Railway workers […]

Despite New Contract Railway Workers Still Experience Quality of Life Issues

Last year, the United States government foisted a contract on railway workers in order to stave off the likelihood of a strike that would have undoubtedly crippled the nation. Unfortunately, according to reports, there has been little to no evidence that this contract has had any measure of success in resolving the quality-of-life issues experienced by railroad employees.  As experienced […]

Railway Workers and Asbestos Exposure

Railway workers have some of the highest rates of mesothelioma due to the fact that they have been exposed to asbestos products that are used throughout locomotives. Long or short-term exposure to the asbestos contained in brakes, insulation, gaskets, and cement can lead to asbestos-related sicknesses in railway workers. How are train workers exposed to asbestos? The Virginia FELA attorneys […]

FELA Basics For Injured Railway Workers

After being declared unconstitutional in 1906, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act was passed again in 1908. Since then, the FELA Act has persevered in the face of constitutionality tests while providing a federal system of economic recovery for railway workers who are killed or injured on the job. What kind of injuries qualify me for a FELA claim? Railway work […]

FELA Attorney Responds to FAQs

The Federal Employers Liability Act was passed by Congress in 1908 due to the important function that the railroad industry played in the growth of interstate commerce. Most people are at least marginally aware of the essential role that railroads played in the evolution of the United States. They paved the way for the settlement and development of the Wild […]