Understanding The Serious Public Safety Risks of Train Derailments For Railroad Workers And The Community in General

Injuries resulting from a train derailment can be devastating. Fallen cars, broken glass, and moving objects affected by speed and force are just a few safety hazards for both general public and railroad workers. Injury risks may compound even after the derailment, due to  collisions with a second train, fires, and dangers to pedestrians. In most cases, the reasons for […]

What Makes Working on the Railroad So Dangerous?

Railroad workers probably face the harshest and most hazardous working conditions in the country. They often have to stand in exhausting positions and work under extreme temperatures. They also have to use dangerous machines and materials besides these difficulties. All of this creates a high-risk working environment. Additionally, there are long-term health risks associated with the potential exposure to toxic […]

3 Reasons Why an Injured Railroad Worker Should Hire a FELA Lawyer

The work environment of railroad employees often entails a variety of stressful and hazardous conditions. The provision and implementation of a safe work environment for the employees, whether while operating a train, driving a crew, or working on railway maintenance, is the railway employer’s legal responsibility. But every now and then, things do take a turn for the worse, resulting […]

How To Determine Whether Asbestos, Diesel Exhaust Fumes Or Solvents Cause Specific Types Of Cancers?

It is already known that mesothelioma is caused exclusively by prolong exposure to asbestos. The studies have also shown that exposure to diesel fumes and/or asbestos can lead to several other deadly diseases. There is scientific evidence that connects diesel and asbestos exposure to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asbestosis, stomach cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, throat cancer, […]

FELA and Railroad Signal Maintainers and Maintenance Way Workers

Railroad signal maintainers and maintenance way workers face hazards on the job, but it’s the daily exposure to hazardous substances that pose the most risk to these workers’ health and safety. Each day, these railroad employees work with and around diesel-powered track equipment that releases toxic exhaust fumes into the air they are breathing. Track equipment also disturbs ballast regulators, […]

Do I Need a Virginia FELA Lawyer?

Railroad workers face dangers on a daily basis that can cause severe injuries or due because of long-term exposure. When a worker has been injured or diagnosed with a railroad-related disease, it is critical to contact a Virginia railroad attorney to find out what the best legal options they have are. Once a case is filed, the injured railroad worker […]