Our FELA law firm is proud to say we’ve represented hundreds of former, and current, railroad employees in a myriad of different FELA claims. Our experience extends to helping railroad workers suffering from cumulative trauma injuries related to their railroad work. The information below provides an overview of how our firm analyzes and assesses a potential cumulative trauma FELA claim: […]
How We Assess a Potential Cumulative Trauma FELA Claim
Automated Train Operation A Cause For Concern
In recent years, the rapid evolution of automated vehicles has been a mainstay in the news as people either welcome the technology or raise concerns about safety. While all this is going on, railways companies have been working diligently behind closed doors on Automatic Train Operation, an innovation that could forever change how cargo is shipped across the United States. […]
Negligence and Liability in Virginia Railroad Crossing Accidents
An overwhelming majority of serious railroad accidents take place on level crossings. According to the Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia has 9, 409 railway crossings. Of these, 2,574 private grade crossings, 1,852 public and at-grade, 1,852 grade-separated, and 3,764 closed crossings. A lot of these crossings are not equipped with critical safety features that warn people in the area when […]
What Are the Most Common Railroad Worker Injuries?
Working around locomotives, near railroad tracks, or in a railyard is a fundamentally hazardous job. Railcars and train engines roll along tracks on steel wheels and are incredibly clumsy and heavy. On a daily basis, railway workers are exposed to multiple dangers, some of which could potentially cause severe and even fatal injuries. If you were injured while you were […]
Is the Railroad Staffing Shortage Affecting Worker Safety?
All across the United States, staffing shortages are crippling major industries. The problem is especially critical on the railroads where indications of a strike nearly shut down services and paralyzed the economy. These worker shortages are not good for safety or for business on railroads where current conditions already have employees stretched to their breaking point. In September, a standoff […]
Understanding The Serious Public Safety Risks of Train Derailments For Railroad Workers And The Community in General
Injuries resulting from a train derailment can be devastating. Fallen cars, broken glass, and moving objects affected by speed and force are just a few safety hazards for both general public and railroad workers. Injury risks may compound even after the derailment, due to collisions with a second train, fires, and dangers to pedestrians. In most cases, the reasons for […]
What Makes Working on the Railroad So Dangerous?
Railroad workers probably face the harshest and most hazardous working conditions in the country. They often have to stand in exhausting positions and work under extreme temperatures. They also have to use dangerous machines and materials besides these difficulties. All of this creates a high-risk working environment. Additionally, there are long-term health risks associated with the potential exposure to toxic […]
Are You a Railroad Worker Injured on the Job?
The recent Railroad Safety Week recognized across the country is focused on educating the public about making safe decisions around trains and railroad tracks and other rail safety education. According to national statistics, a person or vehicle is hit by a train every three hours in this country. More than 2,100 victims are killed in crossing incidents each year, with […]
Most Common Injuries Reported While Working for a Railroad
Job-related injuries are common in many professions that involve the use of complex machinery and cramped workspaces. The hazardous nature of railroad work puts the railroad workers are at a greater risk of injuries than most other jobs. Looking at the heightened risk in railroad work, Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) came into effect in 1908 to protect the rights […]
3 Reasons Why an Injured Railroad Worker Should Hire a FELA Lawyer
The work environment of railroad employees often entails a variety of stressful and hazardous conditions. The provision and implementation of a safe work environment for the employees, whether while operating a train, driving a crew, or working on railway maintenance, is the railway employer’s legal responsibility. But every now and then, things do take a turn for the worse, resulting […]